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News articles related to IT innovation

PMA Tech Initiatives Support Rapid Response to COVID-19

By: Suzette Kent, Federal Chief Information Officer | 07 May 2020

This blog was first posted on on May 7th, 2020. Successfully transitioning a workforce as large as the Federal Government’s to telework while maintaining a high level of service continuity is no easy task.

  • innovation

  • Connecting Americans to Coronavirus Information Online

    By: CIO Council Support | 20 Apr 2020

    This proclamation was first posted on White on April 15th, 2020. While there is no shortage of coronavirus content on the internet, the American people need access to the most up-to-date public health guidance and most relevant information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

  • innovation

  • Robotics Process Automation(RPA) - Priorities, Benefits, and Considerations for CIOs

    By: CIO Council Support | 27 Feb 2020

    The CIO Council published a white paper developed by the Innovation Committee. Read more to find recommendations resources associated with RPA.

  • innovation

  • Staying Ahead of the Curve - The Innovation Committee’s Emerging Technology Series

    By: CIO Council Operations | 18 Oct 2019

    Check out the overview of the Innovation Committee's Emerging Technology Whitepaper on NoOps and serverless computing.

  • innovation

  • NSF Looks for Innovative Technology to Prepare for the Workforce of the Future via the Career Compass Challenge

    By: Dorothy Aronson, CIO of the National Science Foundation | 12 Dec 2018

    Technology is changing the way we do our work, and the work itself. To keep up, the National Science Foundation (NSF) plans to invest in its most critical resource – the workforce. And it's not just NSF. The need for an adaptable and ready workforce extends to other Federal agencies...

  • workforce
  • innovation

  • Digital Transformation Artificial Intelligence and the Workforce

    By: Maria Roat, CIO of the Small Business Administration and Chair of the CIO Council's Innovation Committee | 22 Jun 2018

    In the late 1800’s, nearly 50% of the American workforce was employed through agriculture. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, that figure dropped to less than 2% by 2008 [1]. This major restructuring of the economy happened over a period of decades, leading to the emergence of new occupations,...

  • workforce
  • 2018

  • Innovation Sandbox Pilot Launch

    By: Maria Roat, CIO of the Small Business Administration and Chair of the CIO Council's Innovation Committee | 15 Mar 2018

    The CIO Council’s Innovation Committee is a vehicle to lead innovation and drive strategic change, including digital projects across the federal enterprise. In late 2017, the Small Business Administration (SBA) received funding from the CIO Council’s Innovation Committee to develop and implement a pilot initiative allowing agencies access to a...

  • 2018

  • Congratulating the Winning IT Solutions Challenge Teams

    By: Tony Scott | 30 Nov 2015

    Earlier this year, I announced the first-ever CIO Council IT Solutions Challenge to find innovative solutions based on the fresh perspectives of the best and brightest up-and-coming IT staff Federal agencies had to offer. In late October, we concluded the 2015 Challenge and I want to congratulate the two winning...

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • Under the Hood - Building a New College Scorecard with Students

    By: Lisa Gelobter, Chief U.S. Digital Service Officer, Department of Education | 16 Sep 2015

    Back in March, the CIO Council Innovation Committee released an open data case study on the Department of Education. The department continues to use open data to better serve the U.S. public by recently releasing the ‘College Scorecard.’

  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 Expert Panel Feedback - Joshua Brightwell

    By: Joshua Brightwell | 21 Jul 2015

    Going into the midpoint meeting, my team felt confident. We were on a good track and had a solid problem statement and proposed solution. We feel there is poor resource management when it comes to email and other collaboration tools in the federal government.

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 Expert Panel Feedback - Inez Maguire

    By: Inez Maguire | 20 May 2015

    Team ONE was born on April 9, 2015 at the end of a long day of brainstorming ideas around government-wide IT and IT acquisition problems. After much wrangling, our team’s initial problem statement revolved around the overarching need for federal agency standardization in the areas of processes, applications, and data....

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 Problem Description - Ursula Nkwantabisa

    By: Ursula Nkwantabisa | 18 May 2015

    On April 9th, team FALCON (Team 6) ended the first IT Solutions Challenge workshop with an idea of creating a common IT acquisition platform where acquisition and IT professionals may exchange knowledge on past acquisitions, best practices, and other useful information.

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 Problem Description - Lori Alfred

    By: Lori Alfred | 15 May 2015

    For our second workshop of the IT Solutions Challenge (ITSC), we met at the Department of Justice (Justice Management Division). All team members came prepared with the information, insight and advice we received from subject matter experts (SMEs) and stakeholders relevant to our mission statement, “Create a cloud shared services...

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 Problem Description - Christopher Paris

    By: Christopher Paris | 14 May 2015

    By the end of the first IT Solutions Challenge (ITSC) workshop on April 9th, six teams set out on a journey to try and fix some of the government’s largest IT problems. I tethered myself to the group dedicated to impacting the ways the government hires, motivates, and retains skilled...

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 Problem Description - Kimberly McCarthy

    By: Kimberly McCarthy | 13 May 2015

    The goal of our team is to solve inefficiency in government due to a lack of standardization across IT policies and infrastructure. Even though our group is made up of six different government agencies across both IT and acquisition, the problems encountered in both sectors prove to be very similar...

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 First Impressions - Gibran Mills

    By: Gibran Mills | 30 Apr 2015

    In the Federal IT landscape, new buzzwords are constantly identified and implemented in the workforce. Terms like ‘agile’ and ‘better buying power’ are used so often that sometimes their true value is lost. Despite the unintentional dilution of these terms, on Thursday April 9, 2015, in the Indian Treaty Room...

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 Problem Description - Lori Zimet

    By: Lori Zimet | 24 Apr 2015

    I’ve worked in the Federal Government for over 13 years, but the vast of majority of government agency work remains a mystery to me. When I heard that my managers at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had nominated me for the CIOC IT Solutions Challenge, I was excited to participate in...

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 Problem Description - Tonya Eaton

    By: Tonya Eaton | 23 Apr 2015

    Thursday, April 9, 2015, was filled with continuous activities that allowed us to understand and contribute to the first workshop of the IT Solutions Challenge. It was great to hear encouraging words from multiple guest speakers throughout the day including Stephanie Brown’s graphic facilitation...

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 First Impressions - Edgar Pedroza

    By: Edgar Pedroza | 23 Apr 2015

    When I was first asked by the Chief Information Officer of the Department of the Interior, Sylvia Burns, and the Geospatial Information Officer, Dr. Jerry Johnston, whether I would consider a nomination to serve on an exciting new committee being formed by the CIO Council, my first question was to...

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge 2015 First Impressions - Jeremy Greenland

    By: Jeremy Greenland | 22 Apr 2015

    The Eisenhower Executive Office Building isn’t something you see every day. The architecture is beautiful and the décor is stunning. In short, it’s the kind of building that draws the eye.

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • GSA Partners with CIO Council to Move IT Shared Services Forward

    By: CIO Council Operations | 20 Apr 2015

    The CIO Council’s Executive Committee recently approved the transfer of its Shared Services Task Force to the General Service Administration’s Office of Government-wide Policy (OGP).

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • IT Solutions Challenge

    By: CIO Council Operations | 14 Apr 2015

    The IT Solutions Challenge consists of several small working groups of rising stars within the IT and IT acquisition communities who will identify issues within the Federal Government and work together over the course of six months to develop solutions to those problems.

  • workforce
  • 2015

  • CIO Council to Sponsor First Annual IT Solutions Challenge

    By: Tony Scott | 04 Mar 2015

    The CIO Council’s Workforce Committee and the Chief Acquisition Officers Council recently requested Agencies nominate their best and brightest IT staff to participate in the first annual CIO Council IT Solutions Challenge.

  • workforce
  • 2015


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