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7.3 DCOI Reporting


7.3 DCOI Reporting

DCOI reporting is performed through three methods: a data center inventory reported to OMB quarterly, a DCOI strategic plan updated annually, and a list of FITARA milestones updated quarterly. (OMB. DCOI - Reporting.) These submissions are expected to be submitted under the direction of the CIO. Additionally, agency- reported public data can be viewed on the IT Dashboard. ( OMB. IT Dashboard.)

The Data Center Inventory involves the quarterly submission of data containing the full inventory of data centers by CFO-Act agencies to OMB for data center and DCOI implementation oversight. This inventory is collected as a part of the IDC and is generally collected for Q1 by the end of February, Q2 by the end of May, Q3 by the end of August, and Q4 by the end of November, though specific dates may vary. (OMB. E-Gov Integrated Data Collection (IDC).)

The DCOI Strategic Plan is required as a part of FITARA and involves the annual publication of strategic plans describing the agency’s consolidation and optimization strategy. The strategic plan publications each year is reported as a part of the Q2 IDC process for that year and should be published at “[agency].gov/digitalstrategy” in the Data Center Optimization Initiative Strategic Plans category. (OMB. Implementation Guidance - FITARA. DCOI Strategic Plan Schema.)

Furthermore, agencies are also required to identify at least five FITARA milestones per fiscal year to be achieved through DCOI. These milestones should be published at “[agency].gov/digitalstrategy/FITARAmilestones.json'' and should be updated quarterly as progress is achieved and then reviewed in PortfolioStat sessions. (OMB. Implementation Guidance - FITARA.)

For more information consult the Reporting Calendar.

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