6.6 Data Center and Cloud Optimization Initiative (DCCOI)
M-19-19, enacted in June 2019, established the DCCOI which replaced the previous DCOI from M-16-19. Compared to M-16-19, key features of M-19-19 include:
- Continuation of the development freeze for new and current data centers;
- Continuation of consolidation and closure of existing data centers;
- Alignment of consolidation and closure of existing data centers with the Cloud Smart (OMB. Federal Cloud Computing Strategy) strategy;
- Continuation of the DCCOI PMO;
- Increased alignment with the PMA; (The White House. President's Management Agenda)
- Broadening of the exemptions for some data centers from closures that did not fit the definition set forth in M-16-19 (e.g. unique examples from embassy file servers to dam floodgate controls, federal labs and research facilities) with provisional exemptions applied by OMB after justified agency requests;
- Updated closures and cost savings targets; and
- Updated performance metrics to focus less on averages and more on continuous improvement.
In terms of specific performance metrics, M-19-19 adds a metric for planned hours of availability for each data center, updates the advanced energy metering, virtualization, and server utilization metrics, and removes the energy efficiency and facility utilization metrics.