The Federal Records Act (FRA) requires the head of each Federal agency to establish and maintain an active, continuing program for the economical and efficient management of the records of the agency. (NARA Bulletin 2017-02. Guidance on Senior Agency Officials for Records Management. 9/28/2017.) To this end, the SAORM acts on behalf of the agency head to ensure the agency efficiently and appropriately complies with all applicable records management statutes, regulations, NARA policy, and OMB policy. The SAORM bridges the gap between the agency head and the Agency Records Officer in order to provide strategic direction for the agency’s records management program.
The SAORM also promotes effective records management at a senior level by seeing across program offices in the deployment of individual IT systems. The SAORM advocates for the records management program ensuring adequate resources are embedded into the agency’s Strategic Information Resources Management (IRM) Plan. (44 U.S.C. §3506. US Federal Information Policy. Federal Agency Responsibilities) The SAORM must directly, and regularly, work with the Agency Records Officer and other appropriate officials to oversee the successful implementation of the agency’s records management program.
The SAORM must coordinate the agency’s records management program with other related disciplines such as information security, risk management, data management, and knowledge management. This may also include programs related to discovery, privacy, and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). As the agency’s information framework develops and matures, the SAORM should integrate the records management program within the framework.
The SAORM’s overall responsibilities include: