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4.10 OMB Budget Resource Management Offices (RMOs)

Key Stakeholders

4.10 OMB Budget Resource Management Offices (RMOs)

OMB has five RMOs, organized by agency and by program area. (The White House. The Mission and Structure of the Office of Management and Budget.) These offices, together with OMB’s Budget Review Division, help to carry out OMB’s central activity of assisting the President in overseeing the preparation of the Federal Budget and supervising its administration of Executive Branch agencies. In helping to formulate the President’s spending plans, RMOs assess the effectiveness of agency programs, policies, and procedures, weigh competing funding demands within and among agencies, and help work with agencies to set funding priorities. Once the Budget is enacted, RMOs are responsible for the execution of Federal budgetary policies and provide ongoing policy and management guidance to Federal agencies. As part of these and other responsibilities, RMOs provide analysis and evaluation, oversee implementation of policy options, and support government-wide management initiatives.

Visit (The website is only accessible to federal employees) to find agency assigned RMOs.

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