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About Our Council

Team and Leadership

The Small Agency Chief Information Officer COuncil (SACC) and Small / Micro-Agency Chief Information Security Officers Council (SMAC) are interagency forums that focus on the needs and unique issues facing small agency Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs). The groups focus on the objectives and priorities set forth by the CIO and CISO Councils as well as outlined in the President’s Management Agenda, the E-Government Act of 2002, Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPRA), the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2014 (FISMA), Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act of 2015 (FITARA) and others. 

SACC and SMACC Objectives 

  • Develop a two-way communication between the broader CIOC, CISOC and these communities to ensure small agencies insight and input is considered by OMB when developing policy and guidance:
  • Develop actionable feedback around federal IT reporting initiatives for OMB consideration in policy development;
  • Promote the understanding and adoption of CPIC, TBM and portfolio management core concepts and processes at agencies to improve IT spending decisions;
  • Promote the sharing of lessons learned and best practices, and innovative approaches related to information technology management and security as well as transferring knowledge and developing a unified approach to addressing federal IT challenges;
  • Assist the CIOC and CISOC in the identification, development, and coordination of multi-agency IT related projects and other innovative initiatives to improve federal IT performance; and
  • Collaborate with the Chief Human Capital Officers Council through the CIOC to address the hiring, training, classification, and professional development needs of federal employees in small / micro-agencies.

Small Agency CIO and IT Executive Handbook

The Small Agency CIO and IT Executive Handbook provides foundational information for all new Small Agency CIOs and IT Executives but is also very useful for existing CIOs and IT Executives. The document was created through numerous interviews and discussions with existing Small Agency CIOs and subject matter experts throughout the Federal arena. It provides decision-making guidance and recommendations for challenges specific to small agencies and contains actionable recommendations and planning tools for IT Executives within a Small Agency. Additionally, it serves as a quick reference to access information and resources from GSA and other organizations. Finally, it supplements existing guidance documents and references such as the large agency CIO, CDO and CISO handbooks.


SACC Leadership 
Anthony W. McDonald
Chief Information Officer
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Executive Office of the President (EOP)

Christopher Chilbert
Chief Information Officer
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

SMAC Leadership

Alen Kirkorian - Community Lead
Technical Special Advisor
Department of State 

Patrick Bevill - CISO Council Liaison 
Chief Information Security Officer
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board

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